Movies Page

May 16, 2012
It took a while but I redid the movies page so that now all movies are alphabetical and listed in all genres that apply to the movie. I used iMDb to find out the genres, so if you are not sure about which one it may be under, then check iMDb. Being alphabetical too I hope helps to be able to find the movie you want to see easier. I will continue to add new movies and place them alphabetically. Hope this helps make your browsing experience better.


April 30, 2012
Suze thank you for letting me know about Timeline. I checked it out and sure enough, it's not the movie. This happens at times. It may take a few days to get a good copy, but I will let you know as soon as we get it back up.

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I've been busy

April 29, 2012
I haven't been available to be adding to the movie site. I started a new job and have been busy with home stuff since the weather has been better. I plan to start adding more here real soon, so please be patient. If you have requests please continue to submit them and I will put those on a priority list. Be sure to share the site with friends and family still.

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Ghost Whisperer Episodes

April 17, 2012
Suze, I checked out the episodes that you were having problems with. They worked fine for me but I replaced them anyway. Hopefully that solves the problem. I know that there are sometimes problems like this and honestly I don't know the answer to fixing them. I tried out the episodes on both my computers and they seem ok now. Let me know if you still have problems and I will see what I can do.

I'm working on your requests btw, Sapphire and Steel are hard to find, but I have been successful! I...
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Movie Survey 4/13/2012

April 10, 2012

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Movie Survey 3/30/2012

March 30, 2012

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New Movies Survey

March 19, 2012

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March 19, 2012

Subscribe to the Newsletter above. Here is a sample of what you will receive weekly

and more!

In Theaters!

The Innkeepers Trailer
The Innkeepers
In Theaters 2/3/2012
During the final days at the Yankee Pedlar Inn, two employees determined to reveal the hotel's haunted past begin to experience disturbing events as old guests check in for a stay. 
Stars:Sara Paxton, Pat Healy and Kelly McGillis 

New Movies!

Just Married (comedy)
2003 Ashton Kutcher, Brittany Murphy and Christ...
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March 10, 2012
We have added a newsletter for TVgazm that you can subscribe to above. The newsletter will be sent out weekly including what new shows or movies have been added, movie news, answers to questions, new information and upcoming movies in theaters. Subscribe now!

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So much to do

March 2, 2012
I haven't posted anything in a while, but I have been super busy with all kinds of things. New movies and TV shows have been added in my relax time. Meaning anytime that I don't have housework, errands and so on to do. And I've been playing some games too off and on. But just keep checking back once in a while. I guarantee that there is something new each week at least.

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